Are you ready to make the switch to healthy eating ?
Ditch these 5 things from your weekly shopping trolley for better long term healthy eating
1. Flavoured Chips /Crackers
2. Salad Dressings
3. Boxes of processed cereal
4. Soft Drinks/Cordial/Juice
5. Recipes bases and marinades
…I’m not saying that you can’t have these on occasion … but it is certainly of benefit to not have these items as part of your regular diet. They all contain at least one of the following: vegetable oil, sugar, chemical flavour enhancers, preservatives, thickeners or all of the above.
If you need some help on planning meals and snacks to replace the above items a nutritionist can help you, and put on the path to everyday healthy eating.
One or two appointments with a knowledgable qualified practitioner who can recommend simple changes to your diet can lead to long term health benefits. Implementing better nutrition on a daily basis can potentially save you hours of missed work or school and doctors appointments.
If you would like some help with modifying your nutrition for long term health, please get in touch, or book online now.