What part of your diet has the greatest impact on your brain function, mental health and wards off depression and anxiety? Much of the latest nutrition research has been focused on our micro biome or gut health. Your microbiome is…
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What part of your diet has the greatest impact on your brain function, mental health and wards off depression and anxiety? Much of the latest nutrition research has been focused on our micro biome or gut health. Your microbiome is…
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Many flavoured snacks have some nasty ingredients – things like chips, rice crackers, rice wheels, corn chips, packet soups, packaged sauces and gravies, powdered stocks and soup mixes, sausages, instant noodles, mac and cheese type snacks, etc – please READ…
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My top four reasons: 1. Helps to stabilise blood sugar levels to avoid energy slumps and the roller coaster of consent cravings 2. Makes you feel satisfied after eating 3. Provides you with the building blocks (amino acids) that make…
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Which are healthy, which are not Carbohydrates are our major source of fuel. The brain needs glucose, and the most efficient source is from carbohydrates. For most people around 100-150 grams of carbs per day is adequate. This is very…
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Lets talk about FAT. What are healthy fats ? How do you include them in your diet ? Healthy fats are essenital. Healthy fats will NOT make you fat, in fact they will help you to loose weight. Healthy fats…
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What are they and why are they important ? Probiotic foods are also known as cultured or lacto fermented foods, and they have been part of most traditional diets. They are ‘Live’ foods. Lacto fermentation was used as a way…
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Traditional Super Food – Liver! When I suggest to people that they should think about including liver as part of their diet they often pull a weird face (screw up their nose) and say “Ooh” or “Yuk”! But here’s some…
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