Many flavoured snacks have some nasty ingredients – things like chips, rice crackers, rice wheels, corn chips, packet soups, packaged sauces and gravies, powdered stocks and soup mixes, sausages, instant noodles, mac and cheese type snacks, etc
– please READ THE LABELS !
– you want to avoid anything that has flavours enhancers and colours, particularly added glutamates the most common ones are 621 (MSG) 627, 631, 635, – they are nasty, and have many known side effects such as red rashes, asthma, headaches, nausea, stomach cramps, heart palpitations and many more. Don’t be fooled by packaging that states “NO MSG” , they will often have other flavour enhancers with similar side effects. 635 is known as an MSG booster.
If you really want chips, corn chips, rice crackers etc , then choose the plain ones , without flavouring – especially if you are feeding them to your children.
For healthy snack ideas visit my recipes page