Can your diet really help to reduce inflammation?
Inflammation is a natural and necessary response to injury in order to heal. How do you reduce inflammation with foods ?
When you run, you create micro-tears in your muscles. Then temporary and localized inflammation occurs and is beneficial as it helps heal the muscles, and makes you stronger.
If inflammation becomes systemic and chronic (no longer a temporary response) it becomes a problem. Recovery takes longer, injury is persistent and you feel tired. Inflammation is caused by exercise, environmental toxins, excess weight, and some foods.
So what can you do in terms of nutrition to reduce inflammation?
Inflammatory foods include alcohol, sugar, highly processed grains (biscuits, cakes, donuts) artificial sweeteners, food additives, artificial colourings, processed vegetable cooking oils, too much processed meat, and high levels of poor quality red meat.
Removing or reducing these foods will go a long way to reducing unnecessary inflammation.
A diet high in fresh fruits, vegetables, wholegrains, lean protein, and healthy fats with limited processed and packaged foods is a great start.
We can also look to include some specific foods that can proactively reduce inflammation.
These are my Top 7 foods for athletes to include in their diet to reduce inflammation
Fresh Fruits and Vegetables high in Antioxidants
Inflammation causes oxidative stress – so you need to include a high level of antioxidants to combat the free radials, and restore your cells.
Foods high in antioxidants are: berries, pears, kiwi fruit, pecan nuts, artichokes, cabbage and kale, beetroot, spinach, and cinnamon, cocoa (dark chocolate).
Legumes – high in Phytochemicals
Phytochemicals are compounds that are produced by plants to protect them. They are found in many fruits, vegetables, wholegrains, nuts and legumes.
Legumes such as chickpeas, peas, kidney beans, cannellini beans, lentils and split peas are easy and affordable foods that boost protein and fibre in a meal. They also help to reduce inflammation. Tinned beans and legumes are fine – look for brands with BPA free lining. Or alternatively you can soak and cook your own – and then freeze in portions ready to add to your meals.
Oily Fish – high in Omega 3
Omega-3 fatty acids are polyunsaturated fats deemed essential because humans don’t produce them, so they must be consumed on a regular basis.
Omega-3 fatty acids are best known for being found in salmon. However, sardines are the highest source, followed by mackerel and herring. Adding cold water fish to your diet 2 or 3 times per week is a great way to get the fatty acids into your diet.
Fish is a good source because the omega-3’s have already been converted into usable forms of the fat (EPA and DHA). Smaller fish such as sardines are preferable to larger fish due to concerns with heavy metals, plastics and other toxins. Sardines also have the added benefit of calcium and vitamin D.
If you are not keen on fish there are some good plant based sources of Omega 3, including chia seeds, linseeds and walnuts. Taking a quality fish oil supplement is also an excellent alternative – look for one with at least 70% EPA/DHA.
Ginger has been used as an anti-inflammatory for thousands of years, and shares compounds with NSAID medications (Nurofen and Asprin). However, unlike NSAIDs, which extinguish inflammation altogether, compounds called gingerols, found in ginger, work to manage inflammation (by suppressing pro-inflammatory compounds). This is essential as healing from exercise will only take place if there is controlled inflammation. A great way to consume ginger is by grating it and adding it to stir fry, casserole, curry, soup or a hot cup of tea. You can also add it to homemade kombucha – for a refreshing afternoon drink.
Additionally, ginger boosts the immune system, calms the gastrointestinal system, reduces nausea, vomiting and seasickness, and protects against cancer. What’s not to love about it !
A botanical cousin to ginger, the active ingredient in turmeric is a compound called curcumin. This compound has been shown to work as effectively as NSAIDS in its anti-inflammatory abilities. Taking a curcumin supplement works exceptionally well for relieving muscle pains and joint inflammation, without the negative side effects that you get from consistently taking NSAID medication.
Consuming enough turmeric on a regular basis can be difficult and take some effort. Traditionally used in curry, it has recently become a popular alternative to coffee and tea, in the form of a Turmeric latte. It can also be added to roasted vegetables and is super yummy with roasted cauliflower – then made in to a salad. Combining turmeric with black pepper significantly increases the bio availability.
Green Tea
Green tea, including matcha tea, is high in catechins which have strong anti-inflammatory benefits. There is strong evidence to support its role in reducing the risk of heart disease and cancer. No surprise here, considering that inflammation is an underlying factor behind these two chronic diseases. Green tea also contains a substance called theanine, which induces the release of GABA and dopamine, neurotransmitters that make you feel calm and boost your mood. Matcha is a great replacement for coffee, and is also an excellent addition to smoothies.
Papaya and Pineapple
Pineapple contains the enzyme bromelain and Papaya contains the enzyme papain. Known as proteolytic enzymes, they reduce inflammation by neutralizing pro-inflammatory agents. This neutralization allows the healing of injured tissues from exercise to begin. Similar to previously mentioned foods, proteolytic enzymes do not completely suppress all inflammation, they help to manage and resolve it.
Snack on fresh papaya and/or pineapple with a handful of nuts, or add them to a smoothie.
By adding these seven anti-inflammatory foods to your daily menu it will help your body to recover faster from exercise. By recovering faster and building a strong, injury-resistant body, you will experience stronger and more consistent training sessions. Ultimately leading to your next PB !
If you would like help on building a customised meal plan to include these foods in your diet, please book an online appointment now !