Which are healthy, which are not
Carbohydrates are our major source of fuel. The brain needs glucose, and the most efficient source is from carbohydrates. For most people around 100-150 grams of carbs per day is adequate. This is very individual depending on your weight, activity levels, age, and state of health.
So what Carbs should you eat ?
Unprocessed and high fibre is best.
Non starchy Vegetables – Lots !– i.e. those that grow above the ground such as dark leafy greens, asian greens, celery, mushrooms, capsicum, bean sprouts, cucumbers, sea vegetables, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, pumpkin, cabbage, fennel, zucchini
Fruit – 2 pieces per day – whole, not juice
Starchy Vegetables in moderation – those that grow below the ground like potato, sweet potato, carrot, beetroot
Unprocessed Wholegrains in moderation such as Oats, Brown Rice, and Corn ( Organic, Non GMO is best)
What Carbs should you avoid ?
Processed breakfast cereals, processed breads, biscuits, juice, soft drinks, crackers, cakes, lollies, sugar, processed pasta and noodles, white rice, white flour
What about Bread ?
A good quality wholegrain or sourdough is the best option if you like bread. Try to avoid highly processed breads that contain preservatives and additives. This includes gluten free breads. Bread is OK in moderation but try to incorporate other more nutrient dense carbohydrates as listed above into your diet. If you rely on bread every day for breakfast or lunch (or both !) set yourself a challenge and see if you can reduce it to a few serves per week – the more variety of healthy foods you can incorporate into your diet, the better. Focus on high fibre, unprocessed carbohydrates – ones that have one ingredient like fresh vegetables and fruit
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Looking for a healthy alternative to ‘bread’ ?
Try my pumpkin bread – you can find it on the recipes page