Wow was it epic! Thank goodness we packed all that extra food – I needed it because I was out there for 10-13 hours on the first 2 days. Day 3 I was pretty quick. The LONG day was well….long…and it rained all day. The final day I ran the 15km to the end, and my husband was there (plus my Dad and brother as a surprise). The jar of peanut butter was a hit with my tent mates and was a great snack when I was too tired to rummage for anything else in my pack.
I think the nutrition side worked really really well. At gear check, they laughed coz I had so much food and they (almost) convinced me to take some out. But ended up pretty much on target.
Thank you so much for your help and tips along the way. Seriously made the whole crazy thing manageable. Those chemist grade jelly beans were a GOD SEND after 15 hours in the pouring rain. Could barely get them out with freezing hands and wet gloves on. And had them as “dinner” in my sleeping bag when I made it in to camp.
Sarah – Racing the Planet 2019