These recipes can be used for a post workout smoothie, a meal or snack. I’ve included the nutritional data to you can add extra carbs if needed post training.
4 simple lunch bowl recipes you can make at home. The recipes serve 4, so you can share with house mates, or feed your family.
For those training at a high level and looking for real food fuelling. A complete 7 day meal plan providing around 2500 calories per day.
A complete 7 day meal plan of real food for those training consistently and looking to clean up their diet and maybe shed a few kilos. The plan provides around 1800 calories per day.
4 simple lunch recipes you can make when working from home. The recipes serve 2, so keep some for tomorrow, or feed your other half/flat mate.
Before you go... Get my top 5 Tips for Effective Sports Nutrition