What are they and why are they important ?
Probiotic foods are also known as cultured or lacto fermented foods, and they have been part of most traditional diets. They are ‘Live’ foods.
Lacto fermentation was used as a way of preserving foods, prior to the invention of refrigeration, pasteurisation and canning of foods. The process of fermenting converts the food into and enzyme rich, powerhouse of beneficial bacteria and increased vitamin and antioxidant content than the original unfermented food.
For example
*Sauerkraut – lacto fermented cabbage
*Korean Kimchi – pickled cabbage, carrots, onions, ginger and garlic
*Kefir – fermented or soured milk , similar to yoghurt.
*Kombucha – fermented black tea
*Miso – fermented soybean paste
Why are probiotic foods important ?
The collective bacteria in our bodies is know as our microbiome. Our GUT microbiome or GUT bacteria refers to the trillions of microscopic bacteria that live within your gastrointestinal tract. Probioitic foods are living foods that restore and renew our microbiome.
We need to nourish and have a wide variety of microbiome for the following reasons:
1. to protect from harmful bacteria, fungus and viruses.
2. 90{4f7bf5ffc4dd2943527b9e13cad40ba8015823b935bc089078976a593dc77d18} of the bodies serotonin (the happy hormone) is made in the GUT – low levels of serotonin will affect your mood, sleep, appetite, optimism and sense of calm.
3. hormones and chemicals that regulate sleep, stress and relaxation are produced in the GUT
4. helps with weight control, reducing inflammation and has protective benefits
5. helps control blood sugar levels
6. helps break down toxins and improves absorption of nutrients from food
7.improves immune system function
How do I include probiotic foods in my diet ?
There is a diverse range of probiotic foods available, try some and see which you like. Or make your own!
A simple start would be with a good quality natural yoghurt that contains live bacteria. Make sure it doesn’t have added sugar or flavours.
Sauerkraut and Kimchi is now readily available in health food stores, fruit and veg markets like Harris Farm, or from your local weekend food market. Check that you are buying a “live” product, it will be in the chilled section, if its on the shelf at room temp, then its not a true sauerkraut, its just cabbage and vinegar and sugar. This is the same for “pickles”.
Kefir is also readily available, its very similar to yoghurt but sightly efferesent – its a very refreshing drink, and packed with protein.
Kombucha drinks are also available in almost all health food stores and at markets, and comes in a variety of flavours. It’s a much healthier alternative to a soft drink – and kids love it !
Interested in learning how to make you own ?
I run workshops throughout the year, check the workshops page for details.